Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Steampunk crash course

This gorgeous guy is costume designer Kit Stolen. His Anachronaut site enjoys a pretty healthy following.

What is Steampunk? The definition is nowhere near exhaustive. It's pretty much stuff I like. You'll get the idea.

Wikipedia gives a fair assessment. Check it out here.

Jake Von Slatt, one of the go-to icons of the Steampunk movement gives a really good personal definition. His house is every steampunk's dream home. He really walks the talk.

The go-to band for Steampunk is Abney Park. They really draw crowds at Dragoncon. A fan made this video for them with lots of iconic images.

I also found this fantastically fantastical french video that has some pretty awesome steampunk sensibilities.

a really cool steampunk themed cafe in Portland


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