Friday, June 12, 2009


June 17 - "Comic Books 101" event hosted by Third Coast Comics and Chicago Nerd Social Club


The Chicago Nerd Social Club and Third Coast Comics owner Terry Gant will host "Comic Books 101" June 17th at 6234 N. Broadway. The event is FREE.

According to the announcement:

"Come join us for a night of fun, conversation and learning all about the comic book genre. For the past few years we’ve been bombarded with Hollywood’s attempts at taking some iconic heroes on the big screen. But if you want the real scoop on these characters, you need to go to the source.

For some, the vast majority of comic titles out there are a bit intimidating, but at the Comic Book 101 event we hope to cut through as much of the confusion as possible. Join us for a discussion on the history of comics in both the DC and Marvel universes as well as major story arcs that are currently active. We’ll talk about some good books that the smaller publishers are putting out, as well as new series that are great jumping on points for new readers. The discussions will be moderated by local Chicago Nerd Terry Gant and the owner of Third Coast Comics.

We’ll also have time for some socializing as well as a general Q&A section. Are you curious about Comics but don’t know which ones to read? Talk with Terry and other comic book gurus to help suggest comics you might enjoy based on your other entertainment hobbies."

Pizza and refreshments will be provided.

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