Monday, April 23, 2007


Another Convention comes to Chicago

Inspired by respected feminist science fiction convention Wiscon, local leftist Science Fiction Reading group Think Galactic is hosting their first annual GalacticCon July 13 - 15 At Roosevelt University in Chicago.

According to their press release, the group is seeking to create a comfortable place for leftists to explore leftist themes in Science Fiction through multiple tracks of programming.

The group, which describes itself as "Pro-woman, pro-queer and anti-racist wishes to also explore issues of issues of oppressive hierarchies, race, gender and sexuality.

Speakers planned to appear include: Nalo Hopkinson (author), Jim Munroe (author/publisher), Nisi Shawl (author), Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu (author), and Gary K. Wolfe (critic). For information regarding registration and accomodations, please visit the organization's registration page.


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